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HomeEvent CalendarWinter Book Study: The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback by Joan R. Hibdon

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Winter Book Study: The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback by Joan R. Hibdon

Date and Time

Monday, January 13, 2025, 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM

Event Contact(s)

ICF AZ Admin


Book Study

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
To be eligible for CCEUs for virtual programs, the participant must attend a minimum of 80% of the "live" program. Watching a recording will not qualify you for CCEUs.

Please note that AI recordings, notetakers, or any similar technology is prohibited to protect confidentiality. Also, a notetaker or bot does not count toward your attendance of a virtual event.

About this event

Join ICF Arizona’s Winter Book Study

Join ICFAZ coaches as we read The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback: Transform Relationships and Results One Conversation at a Time
Joan R. Hibdon


Facilitated by Carrie-Ann Tkaczyk, PCC

Monday mornings from 9:00am - 10:00am (Arizona Mountain Time)
January 13, 2025 through February 10, 2025 (4 weeks)

Please note that AI recordings, notetakers, or any similar technology is prohibited to protect confidentiality.
Also, a notetaker or bot does not count toward your attendance of a virtual event.



Up to 4 CCEUs
Core Competencies | 2.0
Resource Development | 2.0

To be eligible for CCEUs for virtual programs, the participant must attend a minimum of 80% of the "live" program.
Watching a recording will not qualify you for CCEUs.

The Book Study meets on Monday mornings at 9:00am via Zoom for 1 hour. The meetings will be facilitated by our facilitator, and participants are invited to select a chapter(s) to present each week.

Join us to increase your knowledge and enjoy lively discussions with a small group of fellow coaches.

People Want Feedback. And They Need it to Grow.

Feedback is a crucial communication skill. But fear of getting it wrong often holds us back from speaking up. When facing a challenging conversation at work, you may be thinking, “What if my feedback causes a meltdown—or they quit?”

While it’s tempting to avoid that discussion, that’s not the solution. Leaders have a responsibility to find a way to connect with their employees and others in an artful, compassionate, and courageous manner that transforms relationships and results.

With over three decades as a human resource professional and executive coach, the #1 question Joan Hibdon gets asked is this: “I need to give someone feedback, but I don’t know what to say. What do I do?”

The Leader's Guide to Mastering Feedback offers answers to that question. With empathy and insight born of experience, Hibdon shows us exactly why, how, and when to offer feedback to achieve the results we want.

Discover how to:
  • Create the optimal environment for feedback.
  • Remain heart-centered during difficult conversations.
  • Offer the right feedback, to the right person, at the right time.

Packed with real-life stories, proven practices, research, and reflections, you will learn how to put feedback back where it belongs—at the center of a thriving workplace.

ICF Arizona Coaching Book Study

Who: ICF Arizona member and non-member coaches, and their friends

When: Monday mornings from 9:00am - 10am (Arizona Mountain Time)
January 13, 27, (skip 20th for holiday,) February 3, 10.

Where: Zoom Meeting Room. Login details will be sent on your e-mail confirmation upon completed registration.

Cost: $30 for ICFAZ Members and $35 for non-members for the 4 weeks

Max: 30 participants

Note: Book is not included in registration. Please consider buying locally at various independent booksellers across Arizona: Dates for your Calendar: Zoom
The Book Study will meet for four (4) weeks on Monday mornings beginning at 9:00am Arizona Time for 1 hour, on the following dates:
  • January 13
  • January 20 (No meeting)
  • January 27
  • February 3
  • February 10


Carrie-Ann is a professional ICF certified coach with nearly a decade of experience and a Masters certificate in evidence-based coaching from Fielding University. She is also a member in the Arizona ICF Chapter and the Mindfulness Coach Association. Her clients benefit from her experienced research-based methods, certified mindfulness knowledge, and cross-cultural lens deeply honed by her equity work and living in England, Nepal and Turkey. Her varied experiences include educator, Peace Corps volunteer, nonprofit specialist in Washington, DC, internal coach, and small business owner. An avid traveler, she moves between Oregon and Arizona. 

Looking for a Coach?

ICF Arizona Charter Chapter

Is A 501 (C)6 non-profit organization for professional coaches serving the State of Arizona.       
3104 E Camelback Road, #718, Phoenix, AZ 85016 


Global Headquarters, International Coach Federation